Monday, February 1, 2010


I was so proud of myself for getting out for my 3 hour walk yesterday in spite of the -19°C/-2°F temperatures. I bundled up, set up my technology, and headed down what was actually a beautiful pathway with fresh snow that sparkled in the sun.

VFF_Flow_in_the_SnowAs usual, my toes got pretty cold when I started out, but I knew that once I hit training speed, they'd warm up and be fine. Or, so I thought. Yesterday was a "ladder" walk, a kind of Interval walk where you jump around into different heart rate zones, several of which are quite slow. At times my feet felt fine. Other times, my toes were quite cold, but not painfully so.

On the way home, however, I began to feel quite uncomfortable and about 1km from home, when I should have been in HR Zone 2 (HR in the mid-90's) I just kept it up in HR Zone 5 (HR in the mid 130's) because my right foot felt numb, and both feet were feeling uncomfortable.

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